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Pricing made simple
and affordable

Pricing built for providers of all types and sizes.

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per successful process

Efficient and affordable with
business intelligence

Monetize your claims in 3 days
Clear line of sight into revenue cycle
No setup or hidden fees
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Scalable to accommodate
providers of any size

Providers can easily select specific payers or claims to monetize
Providers can simply adjust monetizing parameters
24/7 access to real-time claim-payment data

Our process is easy

With RMS (Revenue Management Solutions), our implementation and combined processes are streamlined. Monetizing claims is simple and easy – begin monetizing your claims and get paid in 3 days – no need to wait.

Start today and get your claims paid immediately while significantly reducing your WADIO and improving your revenue cycle.

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Step 1

Upload claims and our partner RMS receives and forwards your claims to Denaflex, which determines allowable claim values.

Step 2

Denaflex monetizes your claims and correspondingly ACH’s payments with accompanying postable 835’s to you in 3 days.

Step 3

Via your RMS lockbox, Denaflex receives and balances claim-payment transactions, then determines remaining claim balances.

Step 4

Denaflex ACH’s remaining claim balances and final postable 835’s to finalize post-adjudicated patient balances.

Please note: A Denaflex account requires activation of an RMS account.

Let’s chat

We’d love to learn more about your business and how Denaflex can be of help.

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Commonly asked

Some helpful questions that are commonly asked. For more information, please visit our Help Center.

Visit Help Center
Can my practice keep its billing company or in-house billing?
Yes. Denaflex will work with your currently billing company to monetize your claims and streamline their revenue cycle process.
Does my practice require a lockbox?
Yes. Your practice will require a lockbox in order to streamline your financing and revenue cycle process, and to sweep and digitize all correspondence.
Why is RMS required for financing?
RMS has the unique ability to process billions of claims annually, allowing Denaflex to extract data to value and risk adjust every financed claim.
What if Denaflex does not receive payment from insurance company after financing?
Since we finance a continuous stream of your claims, insurance underpayments can be adjusted against current or future claims to be financed.
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